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Revisiting EMU's Stability Pact: A Pragmatic Way Forward
Authors:Buti  Marco; Eijffinger  Sylvester; Franco  Daniele
Abstract:The Stability and Growth Pact is under fire. Some countriesare meeting major problems in sticking to the rules. Proposalsto reform the Pact or ditch it altogether abound. The allegedweaknesses of the Pact tend to reflect trade-offs typical ofsupra-national arrangements. This aspect has to be factoredin when considering reforms of the current fiscal rules: thereis no miracle solution. EMU without rules would be an interestingexperiment, but a risky policy option. Given the existing degreeof political integration in EMU, internal adjustment ratherthan attempting to redesign the rules from scratch appears amore suitable way forward. Redefining the medium-term budgetarytarget, improving transparency, tackling the pro-cyclical fiscalbias in good times, moving towards non-partisan applicationof the rules, and improving transparency in the data can achieveboth stronger discipline and higher flexibility.
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