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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
Factor Analysis, An introduction and manuel for the Psychologist and Social scientist , Raymond B. Cattle.
Mathematics and Statistics for use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry , L. Saunders en R. Fleming.
Initiation aux methodes statistiques en biologie , M. Lamotte, Masson et Cie., Parijs.
The Analysis of Family Budgets , S. J. Prais en H. S. Houthakker.
Guide to elementary statistical formulas , Robert E. Johnson en Doris N. Morris.
Applied General Statistics , F. E. Croxton en D. J. Cowden.
Proceedings of the Second Symposium in Linear Programming
Mathematische Statistik , B. L. van der Waerden.
Introduction to Factor Analysis , Benjamin Fruchter.
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