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摘    要:最严苛的《欧盟玩具安全新指令》的出台本已令出口为主的玩具企业焦头烂额,地震、战争、中东动荡局势引发的原材料市场的大幅上扬、国际销售市场的大幅下挫,无一不是对国内玩具企业的严酷考验。然而当我们来到有着三十余年木制玩具制造历史的"中国木制玩具城"云和时,感受到在困难接踵而至企业面临新一轮洗牌的时候,木制玩具行业更是发奋图强并迎来了三十多年来最强发展势头,我们从中体会到了云和木玩产业由贴牌到品牌观念变革时代的悄然到来。

关 键 词:品牌化  企业  产业  玩具安全  木制玩具  材料市场  销售市场  玩具行业

Enterprises make proposal for the development of wooden industry
Abstract:The most rigorous policy of "the EU toy safety new directive" has affected the toy enterprises greatly and many other factors such as earthquake, warand Middle East unrest situation are also the difficulities. However, Yuhe wooden toys has showed a actively development trend. QICAl:Optimize the structure and create the first textbook for children Zhejiang QICAI mainly exports to Europe, NorthAmerica, South America, Japan and other regions of the OEM products.The products can all accord with index in domestic and foreign. Mao Yaochun, the director of the company said that they focus on how to deal with the trade barriers at present. He thought that this is a system problem and the brand development is a trend. But we must consolidate the OEM market firstly and than create the independent brands.
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