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切勿望文生义 玩具企业需关注欧REACH法规
摘    要:欧盟REACH法规全称为“关于化学品注册、评估、许可和限制法案”,目前国内不少企业望文生义,以为REACH法规仅与石油、化工、医药等行业有关。而机电、家电、电子、玩具、服装等国内企业则漠然视之。从记者在珠三角地区玩具企业的调查来看,时至9月,大部分玩具出口企业仍然没有完成REACH法规的注册。不少企业认为REACH法规是政府的事,指望政府来完成,与玩具企业瓜葛不多。还有一些企业则认为距离截止日仍有一段时间,可以继续观望。

关 键 词:国内企业  法规  玩具  珠三角地区  出口企业  化学品  注册  政府

Toys enterprises should pay attention to Regulation of REACH
Abstract:REACH is the regulation conceming the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. in fact, domestic enterprises in other fields can't ignore this regulation either. In the investigation of toys enterprises in Pearl River Delta regions, most toys exporting enterprises haven't finished the registration of REACH till September. Some enterprises even thought that it is the business of government.
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