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引用本文:张志国. 城市本土文化的发掘与发扬对城市发展的促进作用[J]. 城市发展研究, 2009, 16(2)
摘    要:全球化是人类社会发展的必然,在全球化过程中,城市受到巨大的冲击.全球化背景下城市的发展存在趋同与求异两种趋势,并且两种趋势并重.世界潮流,浩浩荡荡,顺之才昌,我们只有趋同,才能更好融入世界,才能获得更快发展;同样越是自然的才越是人类的,越是民族的才越是世界的,我们只有求异,才能在发展过程中不迷失自我,不盲目随从,才能获得更好发展.在具有五千年辉煌灿烂的文明史的泱泱大国,雄厚的文化底蕴是我们最大的瑰宝,充分挖掘城市的本土文化,将之应用到城市发展规划中去,指导城市发展,是我们义不客辞的责任.我国有众多历史文化名城保护不善,或年久失修,或因为建设性破坏而面目全非,失去了其"历史真实性、生活真实性、风貌完整性",亟待整治.只有充分挖掘文化内涵、保持优良传统,达到历史与现代的完美融合,才是城市的最佳发展.

关 键 词:全球化  趋同  求异  本土文化  域市发展

The Excavation and Promotion of the Urban Local Culture Accelerate the Urban Development
ZHANG Zhiguo. The Excavation and Promotion of the Urban Local Culture Accelerate the Urban Development[J]. Urban Studies, 2009, 16(2)
Authors:ZHANG Zhiguo
Abstract:Cities are impacted in the process of globalization,which is the inevitable result of social development.Under the background of the globalization of the urban development,there are two tendencies,which are of the same importance.The one is to seek things in common and the other is to follow our own points which are different from others.In the strong tide of the world development,if we follow the development rules,we will be prosperous.If not,we will fail.Only by seeking the common things,can we melt ourse...
Keywords:Globalization  Common  Difference  Urban Local Culture  Urban Development  
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