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Discussion Paper Abstracts
Abstract:Some Key Global Adjustment Scenarios and Their Effects on Major Developing Country Regions Forecasting Inflation from the Term Structure: A Cointegration Approach An International CAPM for Bonds and Equities Fiscal and Monetary Policy Under EMU: Credible inflation targets or unpleasant monetary arithmetic? Capital-Skill Complementarity and Relative Employment in West German Manufacturing Estimating Long-run Relationships from Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels Measuring and Forecasting Underlying Economic Activity Discussion Paper No.18–92 Recently, interest in the methodology of constructing coincident economic indicators has been revived by the work of Stock and Watson (1988,1991). They adopt the framework of the state space form and Kalman filter in which to construct an optimal estimate of an unobserved component. This is interpreted as corresponding to underlying economic activity derived from a set of observed indicator variables. In this paper we suggest a modification to the Stock and Watson approach which allows for cointegration between some of the variables. We also discuss the general relationship between cointegration and the appropriate specification of stochastic trend models. The technique is applied to the UK where the observed indicator variables used are those which make up the CSO coincident indicator, therefore constructing alternative measures of economic activity. Two of the calculated series are forecast using a systems VAR with error correction terms, where the VAR consists of the CSO longer leading indicator component variables plus a term structure variable. The derived forecasts represent an alternative longer leading economic indicator. Price and Quantity Responses to Cost and Demand Shocks
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