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引用本文:李秀辉. 美元霸权与国际货币体系稳定——从中国推动SDR使用说起[J]. 当代经济管理, 2016, 0(11): 80-85. DOI: 10.13253/j.cnki.ddjjgl.2016.11.014
作者单位:浙江海洋大学 经济与管理学院,浙江 舟山 316022; 复旦大学 理论经济学博士后流动站,上海 200433
摘    要:中国在国际经济贸易中的比重和作用越来越大,国际货币体系的研究和重构也越来越重要。战后国际货币体系是建立在管理货币本位基础上的,美元凭借美国霸权逐步成为国际货币体系之锚,货币本质上是国家政治权力的体现。美国霸权的合法性在于维持合理的国际秩序并提供国际公共物品为国际经贸往来搭建一个合作平台,它是以其他国家的承认为基础的。货币霸权使美国享有国际政治权力,如何处理国际公共物品与国家民族利益的公私矛盾和美元作为国际货币的特里芬难题,以及应对新兴崛起国的利益诉求等是国际货币体系管理难以回避的困境。中国应该坚持合作独立的货币国际化策略,勇于在主导新型国际金融机构方面承担大国责任,逐步建立广泛认可的国际合法性,谋求立足实体经济发展的货币国际化之路。

关 键 词:美元霸权  国际货币体系  币缘关系  政治权力  合法性

The US Dollar Hegemony and the International Monetary System Stability---From the Perspective of China's Propelling on the Use of SDR
Abstract:China is playing a more and more important role in international economy and trade , so the research and reconstruction of the interna-tional monetary system has become more and more important. The international monetary system is based on the monetary management standard , US dollar has gradually become the anchor of the international monetary system , and the currency is essentially the national political power. The legitimacy of American hegemony lie in that it maintains a reasonable international order and provide international public goods , which provide a platform for international cooperation in economic and trade exchanges. The foundation of it is the recognition of other countries. The currency hegemony enables US with the international political power. The contradiction between providing international public goods and the interests of the nation, the Triffin Dilemma of US dollar as the international currency, and the interests demand of emerging countries are all difficulty to the in-ternational monetary system management. China need to adhere to the cooperation and independent monetary internationalization strategy , bear the responsibility as a big power in leading the new international financial institutions , gradually establish a widely recognized international legitima-cy, and seek a monetary internationalization road based on the real economy development.
Keywords:US Dollar hegemony  international monetary system  monetary relationship  political power  legitimacy
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