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Abstract:The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Stafford
D. M. P alliser . Tudor York. (Oxford: Oxford University Press
T. S. W illan . Elizabethan Manchester
R osemary O'D ay . The English Clergy: the Emergence and Consolidation of a Profession, IKG:
P eter M athias . The Transformation of England. Essays in the Economic and Social History of England in the Eighteenth Century.
I an H. A dams (Ed.)
J anet R oebuck . Urban Development in Nineteenth-Century London: Lambeth, Battersea, and Wandsworth, 1838–88.
F rank W hitson F etter
B arry G ordon
T ony M ason
I. C. R. B yatt
J. M ellino (Ed.). Housing, Social Policy, and the State. (London: Croom Helm.
J ohn S cott and M ichael H ughes
C. D. H arbury and D. M. W. N. H itchens
D. C. C oleman
Y. S. B renner
A ndre G under F rank
E. R osenbaum and A. J. S herman
H ans P eter B leuel
F ernand B raudel and E rnest L abrousse (Eds.). Histoire Economique et Sociale de la France.
D avid M ontgomery
B jorn H ettne
J an S. H ogendorn
M aths I sacson
H akan L indgren
L ars H assbring
U lla W ikander
H ans M odig
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