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引用本文:王兴伟,陈家军. 地下水内排对南水北调中线干渠水质的影响[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2015, 13(5): 858-861
作者姓名:王兴伟  陈家军
作者单位:( 北京师范大学环境学院水沙科学教育部重点实验室, 北京100875)
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题( 2001BAC12AB02)
摘    要:基于MIKE 11模型的水动力模块、对流扩散模块建立南水北调中线输水干渠水质模型,充分考虑了干渠两侧地下水内排段的影响,以京石段为干渠水质模拟示范段,针对内排段水质对干渠水质的风险特征,选取氨氮作为典型污染组分,结合实际工程设计,计算在最不利工况下的内排量,并依此设定情景模拟内排段水质对干渠水质的影响。模拟结果表明,在假定的内排段污染风险达到极大的情况下(水质处于劣Ⅴ类),排入干渠的地下水对干渠水质基本不构成影响。

关 键 词:南水北调中线  地下水  京石段  内排段  氨氮  水质模拟  风险预测  MIKE 11

Impact of groundwater internal discharge on the water quali ty of open channel intheMiddle Route of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
WANG Xingw ei,CH EN Jiajun. Impact of groundwater internal discharge on the water quali ty of open channel intheMiddle Route of South2to2North Water Transfer Project[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2015, 13(5): 858-861
Authors:WANG Xingw ei  CH EN Jiajun
Affiliation:(K ey L abo rator y of Water and Sediment Sciences of Ministr y of E ducatio n, S chool ofEnvir onment, Beij ing N ormal Univ er sity , Beij ing 100875, China)
Abstract:Guar antee of w ater qua lit y in the M iddle Ro ute o f So uth2to2North Wat er Tr ansfer Project is key fo r successful o per a2tion of the project . In this study, a coupling mo del int eg r ating w ater quality and quantity betw een channel w ater and g roundw a2ter along the channel w as developed based on the hydro dy nam ic and advection2diffusion mo dules of MIKE11. The mo del co nsid2er ed the impacts of gr oundw ater internal discharg e sectio n alo ng t he channel and Beijing2Shijiazhuang section was selected as thesimulatio n demonst ratio n sectio n. In terms of the character istics of water quality in the inter nal dischar ge sectio n, NH32N w asselect ed as the ty pica l po llutant compositio n. Acco rding to the actual engineering desig n, water quantity of the inter nal discharg esectio n w as calculated under the most disadvantag e w or king conditions, and the impacts of w ater quality in the internal dis2charg e section on the channel w ere simulated using the scenario analysis. The r esults indicated that there is no impact on thechannel w ater qualit y under the most ser ious scenar io in w hich g ro undw ater inthe inter na l discharg e section is contaminated ver2y serio usly.
Keywords:t he Middle Ro ute o f So uth2to2No rth Water Tr ansfer    g roundw ater   Beijing2Shijiangzhuang sectio n   internal discharg esectio n   NH32N   w ater qualit y simulation   r isk fo recast   M IKE 11
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