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引用本文:崔 勋,瞿皎姣,曹 霞. 组织政治知觉的研究溯源、现状述评与前沿探析[J]. 华东经济管理, 2014, 28(5): 1-7
作者姓名:崔 勋  瞿皎姣  曹 霞
摘    要:组织政治知觉作为员工对上司和同事在组织中自利行为的评价,已被证实会对员工的态度、行为产生重要影响。关注相关研究有助于加深对组织政治知觉的认识和理解,并推动具有独特政治文化特征的中国情境的理论研究和实践发展。鉴于此,文章追溯了组织政治知觉研究的起源;梳理了研究脉络;介绍了多维研究视角及相关基础理论;从前因、结果和中间变量三个方面回顾了实证研究现状,勾勒出关系模型;识别了研究前沿和新趋势;总结了研究不足并提出了未来研究方向。

关 键 词:政治  组织政治  组织政治知觉  中国企业

A Review of Researches and an Analysis of Research Frontiers on Perceptions of Organizational Politics
CUI Xun,Qu Jiao-jiao,CAO Xia. A Review of Researches and an Analysis of Research Frontiers on Perceptions of Organizational Politics[J]. East China Economic Management, 2014, 28(5): 1-7
Authors:CUI Xun  Qu Jiao-jiao  CAO Xia
Affiliation:(Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China)
Abstract:The pereeptions of organizational politics (POP) , as an evaluation for self-interest behaviors of supervisors and colleagues, have been proved to significantly affect the employees' work attitudes and behaviors. It is helpful to know and un derstand POP better, and promote the development of research and practice under the context of China with unique political and cultural characteristics that master the relevant research results. For that reason, this paper systematically traced the re search origin of POP, sorted out its research context, introduced different research views and the related basic theories, re viewed the status of researches from three aspects including antecedents, outcomes and intermediate variables. Based on the study, the paper draws the outline of its relational model, identifies the research frontiers and new trends, finally sunmmrizes the research limitations and puts forward the directions for future research.
Keywords:politics  organizational politics  perceptions of organizational politics  Chinese enterprises
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