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引用本文:覃逸明,钱善勤,蓝群,张雪莲. 广西合山市煤矿废弃地植被现状调查与分析[J]. 国土与自然资源研究, 2013, 0(6): 62-64
作者姓名:覃逸明  钱善勤  蓝群  张雪莲
作者单位:[1]柳州师范高等专科学校化学与生命科学系,广西柳州545004 [2]来宾市合山环保局,广西柳州545004
摘    要:通过实地踏查和样方法,调查了合山矿区废弃地的植被组成和自然演替情况。结果表明:该地自然定居植物共87种,隶属于39科61属。主要包括禾本科(14种)、菊科(11种)、豆科(10种)。全部定居植物中,草本植物48种,木本植物34种,藤本植物5种。在废弃早期样地,植被主要是一些单种斑块和小群落,这些小群落组成结构比较简单,物种多样性低,群落不稳定。在废弃时间相对较长的时间里,各样地植被的植物组成相对较丰富,野古草、画眉草、四脉金茅、巴芒、黄茅草、纤毛鸭嘴草、马唐、五节芒等可在煤矿废弃地上成功定植,并成为植被中的先锋种和优势种,可作为废弃地植被恢复治理的优先选用物种。废弃矿区植被具有由裸地→草丛→灌草丛→灌木林演替的趋势,并且随着废弃时间的增长,群落中物种丰富度增大,多样性指数呈增加趋势。在10~15年的废弃时间内群落可自然恢复,程度可以逐步达到相对稳定的灌草群丛。研究结果为矿山生态恢复提供了参考依据。

关 键 词:植被  植物群落  物种多样性  煤矿废弃地  广西合山

The Vegetation Investigation and Analysis of Coalmine Abandons in Heshan of Guangxi
Affiliation:QIN Yi-ming, et al (Biology and Chemistry Department, Liuzhou Teacher "s College, Liuzhou Guangxi 545004, China)
Abstract:Using field investigation and quadratmethod, a study was conducted on the vegetation and flora of the coalmine waste land in Heshan of Guangxi. There are 87 species of naturally colonized plants on the wasteland, which belong to 39 families and 61 genera. Thema in families are Gramineae (14 species) , Compositae (11 species), Legum inosae (10 species) . Among all the colonized plants, there are 48 herbs, 34 woody plants, and 5 vine plants. In early abandoned sample area, the vegetation was mainly some single specie patch or small communities, these small communities composition was simple structure, low species diversity, community instability. During the relative long desertion, the vegetation composition of each sample area had a relatively rich composition and more species successfully settle in the deserted mining area. Including Arundinella anomala、Eragrostis pilosa、Eulalia quadrinervis、Miscanthus sinensis、Stipa capillata、Ishaemum indicum、Digitaria sanguinalis、Miscanthus floridulus etc, and become a pioneer species and the dominant species in the vegetation. All these could be used as preferred species of ecological recovery. The abandoned mining vegetation had a succession tendency of bare land→grass→shrub→shrub forest. Along with the waste time increasing, community species richness and diversity index showed an increasing trend. In 10 ~15 abandoned years, the communities could be natural recovery, which would ultimately achieved relatively stable shrub and grass association. All these results provide reference basis for the mine ecological restoration.
Keywords:vegetation  plant commun ity  species diversity  waste land  Heshan of Guangxi
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