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引用本文:郎新婷,马惠兰. 新疆小麦生产效率及地区差异研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2016, 37(10): 127-133. DOI: 10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20161022
作者姓名:郎新婷  马惠兰
摘    要:新疆是我国西北重要的小麦优势产区和消费区,小麦消费总量和人均消费量都高于全国平均水平,小麦的有效生产与供给对保证全疆粮食供需平衡和区域粮食安全起着至关重要的作用。小麦作为新疆的第一大粮食作物,成本收益决定了其在农业生产中的比较优势。为提高新疆小麦的生产效益和效率,促进小麦的可持续发展,提高农民种植小麦的积极性和新疆粮食安全,文章利用2004~2013年新疆小麦生产成本收益数据,分析了新疆小麦成本收益变化趋势,对新疆小麦生产的单要素生产率进行分析,运用DEA模型对新疆小麦生产效率进行分析,并对新疆小麦全要素生产率增长进行了收敛检验。结果表明:新疆小麦的生产成本总体上呈上升趋势,成本收益率呈波动下降趋势;小麦生产的全要素生产率总体较高,技术进步是小麦生产效率增长的源泉,技术效率不高阻碍了小麦生产效率的提高;各地区间的小麦生产效率存在差异,但存在显著的绝对收敛和条件收敛,存在地区间的追赶效应。综上所述,提出了提高新疆小麦生产效率的建议,依靠科技进步和人才培养推动农业科技创新,加大良种繁育体系建设,在小麦新品种的研发和栽培技术上创新和突破。结合新疆不同地区土地资源生态特点、环境条件和气候特点,科学地指导生产,提高小麦产量。

关 键 词:新疆  小麦成本收益  生产效率  DEA模型  Malmquist指数

Lang Xinting and Ma Huilan. WHEAT PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY AND REGION DIFFERENCES IN XINJIANG[J]. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2016, 37(10): 127-133. DOI: 10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20161022
Authors:Lang Xinting and Ma Huilan
Abstract:Wheat is the second largest food crop in China′s grain production and an important commodity grain, which plays an important role in ensuring China′s regional food security. Xinjiang is an important wheat producing and consumption area in northwest China. The total wheat consumption and per capita wheat consumption are high-er than the national average. Therefore, the core of Xinjiang′s food security is wheat security. The effective produc-tion and supply of wheat plays an important role in ensuring the supply and demand balance of Xinjiang grain and regional food security. The wheat cost and benefit influencethe comparative advantage in agricultural production. Aiming to increase wheat production profit, improve wheat production efficiency, promote the sustainable develop-ment of wheat, and encourage farmers′enthusiasm in planting wheat in Xinjiang, this paper used the wheat produc-tion cost data from 2004 to 2013 to analyze the change trend of wheat cost-benefit and the single factor productivi-ty. The DEA model was used to analyze the static and dynamic wheat production efficiency in Xinjiang. At last, the total factor productivity of Xinjiang wheat was tested by the convergence test. The results showed that the pro-duction cost of Xinjiang wheat was on the rising trend and the cost-yield rate often fluctuated. The land productiv-ity and labor productivity of wheat production in Xinjiang increased year by year, and the growth rate of labor pro-ductivity was relatively fast, while the capital productivity was decreasing year by year. The total productivity of wheat production was high. The technical progress was the source of wheat production efficiency, and the low tech-nical efficiency hindered the improvement of wheat production efficiency. There were some differences in the effi-ciency of wheat production among different areas. Finally, the paper put forward some suggestions on how to im-prove the efficiency of wheat production in Xinjiang, including promoting scientific and technological innovation and personnel training, increasing the breeding system construction, cultivatingthe new varieties of wheat, and impro-ving the production of wheat and the yield of wheat combined with the characteristics of land resources, environ-mental conditions and climate characteristics in different regions of Xinjiang.
Keywords:Xinjiang   wheat cost-benefit   production efficiency   DEA model   Malmquist index
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