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引用本文:何菲. 移动互联的钱途与前途[J]. IT经理世界, 2012, 0(19): 60-64,8
摘    要:一片低迷景象中,移动互联网成为为数不多的相对热点的领域。投资人为钱途辨明趋势与噪音,创业者为前途各施解数。随着互联网创投热点一波接着一波,赵杨(化名)名片上的头衔也换了好几版。起初赵杨的名片上是某社交网站创始人,那时候社交正火,他很顺利地拿到了第一轮投资。之后VC们追捧电商,

关 键 词:移动互联网  社交网站  投资人  创业者  创始人  名片  低迷  创投

Abstract:The Internet venture spots have come one after another, and so does the titles on Zhao Yang’s business card. Starting as founder of some social network site, Zhao Yang got the first round investment easily. Then VCs went after e-commerce with unreasonable passion, and Zhao turned himself into the CEO of some refund site, leaving the social network site a mess. Today, most of the VCs stand away from e-commerce group purchase, and Zhao claims he is having a new project with details withheld and "absolutely belongs to the mobile Internet field". To Zhao, it seems quite a long time since his experience at the social network site. Trends come and go and it seems some VCs/PEs never get tired or learn from the failure of the last round of investment. In fact, there has been lots of Zhao Yang who are merely after the investment hot spots rather than driven by experiences or interests. Everything comes under the sunlight when the tide ebbs, and now they only want to get out of the dangerous game. The still hot mobile Internet has become their last straw to clutch at. This passage will reveal what and how they are doing with this salvation.
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