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引用本文:邱孝聪. 创新型城市建设对革命老区地方区域发展质效分析——以龙岩市为例[J]. 科技和产业, 2022, 22(11): 339-345
作者单位:福建省龙岩市科技情报研究所,福建 龙岩 364000
摘    要:聚焦创新型城市指标体系,围绕创新要素集聚能力、综合实力和产业竞争力、创新创业环境、创新对社会民生发展的支撑、创新政策体系和治理架构等方面,总结龙岩市推进创新型城市建设的特色做法,分析国家创新型城市建设对龙岩区域发展提升情况。结果显示,龙岩市通过开展国家创新型城市建设,创新治理力、原始创新力、技术创新力、成果转化力、创新驱动力均实现较大的提升。同时,与福建省内其他创新型城市进行比较,剖析龙岩市创新型城市建设存在的不足,并就建设更高水平国家创新型城市这一目标,提出相应的对策建议,为革命老区地市开展创新型城市建设提供借鉴参考。

关 键 词:创新型城市  革命老区  区域发展  质效

Analysis of Innovative City Construction Quality and Effect on Local Regional Development in Old Revolutionary Base Areas: A case study of Longyan City
Abstract:Focusing on the index system of innovative cities, the special practices of Longyan City in promoting the construction of innovative cities is summarized, and the improvement of the construction of national innovative cities on the development of Longyan region is analyzed, from the perpective of agglomeration capacity of innovative elements, comprehensive strength and industrial competitiveness, innovation and entrepreneurship environment, the support of innovation for the development of social and people''s livelihood, innovation policy system and governance structure.The results shows that through the construction of national innovative city, Longyan has achieved great improvement in innovation governance, original innovation, technological innovation, achievement transformation and innovation driving force. At the same time, compared with other innovative cities in Fujian Province, the shortcomings of the construction of innovative cities is analyzed , and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the goal of building Longyan into a higher-level national innovative city are put forward, so as to provide reference for the construction of innovative cities in the old revolutionary base areas and cities.
Keywords:innovative city  old revolutionary base areas  regional development  quality effect
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