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引用本文:张从军. 长勺古战场[J]. 走向世界, 2008, 0(5): 84-86
摘    要:长勺之战的前奏长勺之战的起因是齐国报复鲁国。战争的前奏是齐襄公之死。公元前685年,齐国的国君齐襄公因为淫乱被杀,两位公子一个逃往鲁国,一个逃往莒国。当齐国国内形势初步稳定后,哪位公子能够尽快地回到齐国首都临淄,哪位就是齐国的新国君。逃到鲁国的公子叫“纠”,他在管仲的辅佐下,依仗着鲁国的势力,半路邀击逃往莒国的公子小白,不料被小白以佯死而蒙骗,放缓了回国的速度。这段历史被后人广为传诵,到了汉代,还被刻画成画像,装点在墓地祠堂上,用以告诫后人,要忠于故主。图中倒在地上的就是公子小白,举着华盖保护他的是鲍叔牙,手持弓箭的则是管仲。被管仲用箭射中带钩(腰带挂钩)的公子小白佯装射中了心窝,骗过了管仲,抢先回到了齐国首都临淄。而自以为对手已经被射死的管仲却踌躇满志地辅佐着公子纠放慢了回国的步伐,让小白抢了先。当管仲和公子纠的车队来到齐国边境的时候,

关 键 词:古战场

Ancient Changshao Battlefield
Zhang Congjun. Ancient Changshao Battlefield[J]. Openings, 2008, 0(5): 84-86
Authors:Zhang Congjun
Abstract:In the northeast of Laiwu City, there is a small mountain named Shaoshan (Spoon Mountain)to the north of which there is a river valley. 2600 years ago, the famous Battle of Changshao happened here. This battle is a famous case of the ancient warfare in China. In this battle, the powerful State of Qi was defeated by the weak State of Lu, leaving an unforgettable legacy in history. Changshao is located in the northwest of Miaoshan Town, Laiwu City. Since the mountain here looks like a spoon, and in Chinese a ...
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