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Dynamic Efficiency with Multi-Pollutants and Multi-Targets The Case of Acidification and Tropospheric Ozone Formation in Europe
Authors:Erik C. Schmieman  Ekko C. van Ierland  Leen Hordijk
Affiliation:(1) Ministry of Economic Affairs, Economic Policy Directorate (AEP), A/105, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, 2500 EC The Hague, The Netherlands;(2) Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands
Abstract:In this paper we consider two important aspectsin the complex problem of transboundary airpollution in Europe, namely (i) theinterdependence of the problems of troposphericozone and acidification and (ii) the dynamicprocesses related to soil acidification. Wedevelop an optimal control model to analyse theinteraction between acidification as a stockpollutant and tropospheric ozone as a flowpollutant for several countries. Using acost-benefit framework an analysis is performedto determine efficient emission paths fornitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and volatileorganic compounds. The model jointly analysesacidification and ozone. The current Europeanreduction plans do not fully take into accountthe multi-pollutants multi-targets nature ofthe problem. In addition, the plans allow fortemporary exceedance of critical loads withoutconsidering the consequences for the temporaldevelopment of the soil quality. This papershows the complex relations and interactionswhich one should deal with while designingpolicies that are efficient with respect to thecross-effects between the differentenvironmental problems. It also shows howdynamic efficient abatement strategies wouldlook if the cross effects and the dynamicprocesses in soil acidification are explicitlyincorporated in the analysis.
Keywords:acid rain  acidification  cost benefit analysis  environmental economics  multi-pollutants  optimal control  transboundary air pollution  tropospheric ozone
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