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The Impact of Central Bank FX Interventions on Currency Components
Authors:Beine, Michel   Bos, Charles S.   Laurent, Sebastien
Abstract:This article assesses the impact of official FOREX interventionsof the three major central banks in terms of the dynamics ofthe currency components of the major exchange rates over theperiod 1989–2003. We identify the currency componentsof the mean and volatility processes of exchange rates usingthe framework developed recently by Bos and Shephard (2006).Our results show that, in general, concerted interventions tendto affect the dynamics of both currency components of the exchangerate. In contrast, unilateral interventions are found to primarilyaffect the currency of the central bank present in the market.Our findings also emphasize a role for interventions conductedby these central banks on other related FOREX markets.
Keywords:Central bank interventions   currency components   foreign exchange   Markov chain Monte Carlo   stochastic volatility   structural time series models
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