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摘    要:是千年老二,还是逆转在即?当苏宁选择了与国美迥异的发展路线,它会得偿所愿吗?苏宁与国美长时间的激烈竞争与对抗已经成为中国流通业在这个时代最引人关注的故事

关 键 词:赛点  家族企业  苏宁  上市公司  电器  中国企业家  收购价格  连锁企业  南京  副总裁  

Suning: Match Point in 2008
Abstract:Will year 2008 be crucial for Suning to rewrite the map of home appliance chain industry? For a long time,there has been a consensus among the public that Gome instead of Suning is the king in Chinese home appliance chain industry.With Gome's continuous acquisition and merger in the past three years,this has been confirmed again and again. However,according to the first quarter 2008 financial results released from the two companies respectively,just before China Entrepreneur had an exclusive interview with ...
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