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摘    要:农历八月十五,中秋节,被喻为是最有人情味、最富诗情画意的中国传统节日。每逢佳节倍思亲,尤其是中秋节这一轮明月高挂的时刻。中秋之所以是中秋,是因为农历八月十五这一天是在三秋制中。"天上一轮才捧出,人间万姓仰头看。"这一天,天上的圆月分外明亮,特别大特别圆,一盘月饼、一壶香茶和一些瓜果,犹记得一家老老小小夏夜里静静品月的场景。年年中秋,却总有着别样的滋味,对于往日传统的怀念与回忆,对于现在商业味的无奈和感慨,对于中秋的各种情怀……

关 键 词:中秋节  滋味  农历  中国传统节日  人情味  秋制  月饼  场景  明亮  瓜果

Special Feelings of Mid-autumn Day
Abstract:The 15th day of the 8th lunar month is the Mid-autumn Day.This festival is the most poetic and artistic traditional Chinese festival.It is on festival occasions one misses his beloved most,especially on this festival. On this day,a bright moon hangs in the sky.A plate of moon cakes,a bottle of tea and some fruits...all the family enjoy the moon together in the summer night.Every Mid-autumn Day people have different feelings:recalling the tradition,sighing with today' s social condition,and expressing their ...
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