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Economic integration,economic crises and economic cycles in Mexico
Authors:Cuauhtémoc Calderón Villarreal  Leticia Hernández Bielma
Affiliation:El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico
Abstract:This article analyzes the peculiarity of the dynamics of economic fluctuations of the Mexican economy, within the framework of its integration with the US and Canada; the article demonstrates how the Mexican economy make endogenous the macroeconomic crises from the USA (2001 and 2007), and how the business cycles of both countries became more aligned to each other.Based on the heterodox economic theory of crises and cycles, we check the “empirical law of economic dynamics” of the Mexican capitalist system according to the logic of the multiplier–accelerator theory that allowed us to study the dynamics of business cycles for the period of the study (1993–2013). To do this, we construct and estimate a stationary VAR model and utilize the Granger causality tests and quarterly data.
Keywords:C32  E32  F02  C32  E32  F02  Economic integration  NAFTA  Crisis  Business cycles  Growth  Integración económica  TLCAN  Crisis  Ciclos económicos  Crecimiento
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