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Goal programming: Planning process of tourism organizations
Authors:Richard L. Seely  Harvey J. Iglarsh  David L. Edgell
Affiliation:World Tourism Organization, Spain;Georgetown University, USA;Department of Commerce, USA
Abstract:The complex rapidly changing environment faced by tourism organization officials makes tourism planning extremely difficult. Goal programming can aid the tourism planner in appraising the goal attainment potential associated with proposed tourism marketing program alternatives. By changing priorities of goals, budgetary limitations, and organizational constraints, the policy maker can test the effect of changes before they are implemented. By utilizing goal programming, a tourism organization can more systematically evaluate the nature and relative importance of organizational goals, critical constraints affecting the organization and marketing program alternatives.
Keywords:tourism management  goal programming  management science  tourism planning  budgeting  control  models  gestion du tourisme  programmation des objectifs  science gestionnaire  planification du tourisme  budgétisation  contrôle  modèles
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