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The Evolution of the World Bank's Land Policy: Principles, Experience, and Future Challenges
Authors:Deinlnger, Klaus   Binswanger, Hans
Affiliation:Klaus Deininger is an economist in the World Bank's Development Research Group; Hans Binswanger is sector director in the Rural Development and Environment Department in the Africa Region. The authors would like to thank Michael Carter, Alain de Janvry, Dina Umali-Deininger, Ruben Echeverria, Gershon Fedcr, Gustavo Gordillo de Anda, Isabel Lavadenz, Shcm Migot-Adholla, Pedro Olinto, Elisabeth Sadoulet, and participants at a World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) workshop in Santiago and various World Bank seminars for detailed comments.
Abstract:This article examines the evolution of policy recommendationsconcerning rural land issues since the formulation of the WorldBank's "Land Reform Policy Paper" in 1975. That paper set outthree guiding principles: the desirability of owner-operatedfamily farms; the need for markets to permit land to be transferredto more productive users; and the importance of an egalitarianasset distribution. In the 25 years since that paper was published,these guiding principles have remained the same, but it is nowrecognized that communal tenure systems can be more cost-effectivethan formal title, that titling programs should be judged ontheir equity as well as their efficiency, that the potentialof land rental markets has often been severely underestimated,that land-sale markets enhance efficiency only if they are integratedinto a broader effort at developing rural factor markets, andthat land reform is more likely to result in a reduction ofpoverty if it harnesses (rather than undermines) the operationof land markets and is implemented in a decentralized fashion.Achieving land policies that incorporate these elements requiresa coherent legal and institutional framework together with greaterreliance on pilot programs to examine the applicability of interventionsunder local conditions.
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