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引用本文:程瑶,于津平. 人民币汇率波动对外商直接投资影响的实证分析[J]. 世界经济研究, 2009, 0(3): 75-81
作者姓名:程瑶  于津平
摘    要:本文基于跨国公司视角,通过建立EGARCH模型及误差修正模型,分析了在中国人民币汇率制度改革进程中,人民币真实有效汇率水平变化和波动变化对外商直接投资的影响,并对资源导向型FDI和市场导向型FDI的汇率波动效应进行细分研究。研究结果表明,人民币汇率升值和波动FDI增长绩效存在着显著的跨时差异、结构差异与规模差异。人民币汇率浮动弹性增强和国内要素投入品价格回归,会抑制资源导向型FDI的流入和低附加值商品的出口。

关 键 词:人民币汇率  FDI  跨国公司

The Empirical Study on How RMB Exchange Rate Drives FDI in China
CHENG Yao,YU Jinping. The Empirical Study on How RMB Exchange Rate Drives FDI in China[J]. World Economy Study, 2009, 0(3): 75-81
Authors:CHENG Yao  YU Jinping
Abstract:This paper studies both the level and volatility effects of RMB's real effective exchange rate on the inflow of FDI in the process of adjustment in Chinese exchange rate regime. In particular, it also examines different effects of exchange rate on resource-seeking FDI and market-seeking FDI. It concludes that the impacts of appreciation and the intensifying volatility of RMB on FDI differ from time, FDI style and scale. Therefore, the floating elasticity of RMB exchange rate and value return of domestic fac...
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