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基金项目:此项研究是在美国富布赖特研究学者基金(Fulbright Research Scholar Grant)和美国国家学术团体联合会研究基金(American Council of Leamed Societies Grant)的资助下进行的,特此致谢.在本文写作过程中,刘昶、姜进、Jamie Monson,Gail Hershatter,Yung-chen Chiang等诸位教授均提出启发性意见,笔者十分感激.特别要感谢好友秦燕教授,不仅与我分享她所拥有的资料,而且曾和我多次讨论文章的论点和细节,她的评论使文章增色不少.作为一名访问学者,我还要感谢母校陕西师范大学及其历史文化学院为此一研究提供了诸多方便,本文就是与他们合作的成果.
摘    要:本文以1942年的左润王银锁离婚案为主要线索,考察了陕甘宁地区特定时期及特定社会文化环境中妇女与国家建构的关系。作者试图确立女性主体的视角,质疑西方女性主义学者认为的20世纪40年代边区政府调整婚姻政策是与男性农民父权制势力妥协的结果并导致妇女解放倒退的观点,同时指出边区早期激进的婚姻政策以马克思主义女性解放观和都市的“五四”新文化女性观为基础,与地方社会实践及风俗格格不入,这不仅造成民众的强烈反对以及经济上的不公,实质上也不利于真正的妇女解放。本文通过考察当地妇女的法律活动,认为妇女是地方社会与国家权力博弈中不可忽视的力量,她们的活动导致了国家女性观念的变化以及政策的调整。通过考察当地妇女在法律实践中的活动,让我们能够对20世纪女性广泛参与建构现代国家的性质与方式有所反思。

关 键 词:陕甘宁边区  妇女解放  婚姻政策  40年代  国家建构  社会文化环境  西方女性主义  

Zuo Run vs. Wang Yinsuo: Women, Marriage and State Institution in Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region in 1940s
Cong Xiaoping.Zuo Run vs. Wang Yinsuo: Women, Marriage and State Institution in Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region in 1940s[J].Open Times,2009(10):62-79.
Authors:Cong Xiaoping
Abstract:Following the lead of the divorce case between Zuo Run and Wang Yinsuo in 1942 in Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region, this paper explores the relationship between women and state institution in the particular social and cultural environment in that particular area. The author attempts to establish the perspective of female subject and questions the feminist scholars in the west who take the revision of marriage policy by the communist government in the above-mentioned region in 1940s as a compromise with the traditional patriarchal forces of male peasants and a regression of female liberation. The author argues that the new and radical marriage policy was based on Marxist view of female liberation and the new feminist view of the May 4 Movement in urban areas, and was seriously at odds with local social practices and customs. Little surprise that the policy was vehemently objected by local people and led to economic unfairness. In fact, it was detrimental to female liberation itself. Through surveying the legal actions adopted by the local women, this author maintains that women were a strong and undeniable force in the game play between local society and state power. Their actions changed the national view of females and caused policy adjustment accordingly.
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