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作者姓名:魏浩浩  王勇森
摘    要:如果你追逐强烈的色彩感,请不要错过它;如果你偏爱用最简单的工具锁定最绚丽的风景。那你一定要拥有它。LOMo相机是个简单的家伙,把玩它时的那分随心所欲,令你对它欲罢不能。抛开繁琐的规矩,不考虑角度、光圈、构图,随心所欲想拍什么就拍什么,哪怕是过度曝光或者反差模糊也无所谓,喜爱LOMO的人们,真正追求的是色彩感丰富的影像世界,这一点。本人也深信不疑。上大学时,朋友告诉我:LOMO是一种态度。这句话我一直牢记于心,无奈自知勇气欠佳,不敢尝试胶片的LOMO相机,再者,“后期效果无能”又使得我不敢去折腾数码图片和LOMO效果,但那种随性的感觉却深深地吸引我。

关 键 词:态度  影像世界  色彩感  相机

LOMO Is a Kind of Attitude
Abstract:LOMO Let Our Life be Magic and Open is a kind of naturally rising aesthetics. As a kind of new photography trend, LOMO pursues the new idea of "Both composition and focusing are outdated. Only blur and randomness are trendy and classical." In short, LOMO means people utilize simple cameras to create photographic works with their different personal styles. The birth of LOMO cameras is the key that makes this kind of style popular. Without focusing and exposure metering, all that you need to do is to randomly press the shutter button; this is LOMO photography. At the same time, since a LOMO camera is as portable as a mobile phone, it becomes the best tool to make this kind of life possible. The idea of snapshot and sharing has become the common understanding among the LOMO photographic network. The prerequisite of this creation is based on the combination of hi-tech and low-tech as well as the integration of public institutions and commercial photography and designing companies, which make LOMO play such a unique role in the globalization era.
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