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Weighted norm inequalities and hedging in incomplete markets
Authors:Freddy Delbaen  Pascale Monat  Walter Schachermayer  Martin Schweizer  Christophe Stricker
Institution:Department of Mathematics, Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zürich, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland, CH
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, URA CNRS 741, 16 Route de Gray, F-25030 Besan?on Cedex, France, FR
Universit?t Wien, Brünnerstrasse 72, A-1210 Wien, Austria, AT
TU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik, Strasse des 17. Juni 136, D-10623 Berlin, Germany, DE
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, URA CNRS 741, 16 Route de Gray, F-25030 Besan?on Cedex, France, FR
Abstract:Let be an -valued special semimartingale on a probability space with canonical decomposition . Denote by the space of all random variables , where is a predictable -integrable process such that the stochastic integral is in the space of semimartingales. We investigate under which conditions on the semimartingale the space is closed in , a question which arises naturally in the applications to financial mathematics. Our main results give necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the closedness of in . Most of these conditions deal with BMO-martingales and reverse H?lder inequalities which are equivalent to weighted norm inequalities. By means of these last inequalities, we also extend previous results on the F?llmer-Schweizer decomposition.
Keywords:: Semimartingales  stochastic integrals  reverse H?lder inequalities  BMO space  weighted norm inequalities  F?llmer-Schweizer          decomposition JEL classification:G10  G13 Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 60G48  60H05  90A09
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