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引用本文:魏浩浩,王勇森(摄影). 一杯啤酒情醉百年——走进青岛啤酒博物馆[J]. 走向世界, 2012, 0(20): 64-66
作者姓名:魏浩浩  王勇森(摄影)
摘    要:100多年前的哥特式红色厂房、历经一个世纪仍可运转的西门子电动机、日占时期的青啤广告……这一幕幕的情景至今仍在脑海中回放。“给我一小时,还你一百年。”青岛啤酒博物馆的讲解员—开始似承诺般的服务宗旨令人印象深刻,一路观赏下来才得知,这番承诺是名副其实的。位于登州路56号的青岛啤酒博物馆像一部时光机,在浓醇的麦香中把人们带回青岛啤酒的百年历史中,从一个特殊的角度感受这座城市的百年巨变。

关 键 词:青岛啤酒  博物馆  日占时期  服务宗旨  百年历史  哥特式  电动机  西门子

A Tour of Tsingtao Beer Museum
Abstract:The exhibition area of Tsingtao Beer Museum is more than 6,000 square meters and is divided into three visiting areas with the themes of hundred-year-old history and culture, production technology and multiple purposes, which displays the text and picture materials concerning the mysterious origin of beer and its time-honored history and recreates the production flow, old equipment, workshop environment and production sites. Visitors can taste diversified fresh Tsingtao beer and experience the related recreation items. As a world top-class beer museum, Tsingtao Beer Museum has cost an investment volume of 26 million yuan. For planning, design and construction, it only took one year to complete construction of the museum. It gathers the historic essence and makes a full display of the brilliant bearing of Tsingtao Beer as a 100-year-old Chinese enterprise. By the application of hi-tech, this museum can enable the tourists to experience the wonder produced by beer.
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