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摘    要:春节刚过,信源通科技(深圳)有限公司洽谈业务的客户突然多了起来,这其中不乏出身山寨的手机集成商。这些客户的需求都很直接:仿照一款热销的GSM手机,“勒”一块相同的CDMA主板,因为之前已经与中国电信某公司“切磋”过了,中国电信也已认可了这款机型。

关 键 词:CDMA  临界点  GSM手机  爆发  中国电信  集成商  客户  公司

CDMA on the Verge of Breakout
Abstract:At the latest CDMA terminalsb idding of China Telecom,itw as unprecedented to see 59c ompanies competing with2 15 models.Since ChinaT elecom entered the mobilem arket in high profile,CDMAb ecame a spotlight in the eyeso f handset makers.Manyh andset manufacturers haves hifted their interest to CDMAf rom GSM handsets.B ut one has to cross a hurdleo n the CDMA market,t he US-based QualcommI ncorporated,who controlst he R&D of CDMA.Anyp articipant,from chipp rovider,handset maker tom obile operator,has to payQ...
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