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Human capital composition, growth and development: an R&D growth model versus data
Authors:Tiago Neves Sequeira
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Gest?o e Economia, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhă, Portugal;(2) INOVA, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Abstract:The effect of human capital composition on growth and development has been somewhat neglected in economic literature. However, evidence has suggested the importance of engineering and technical (high-tech) skills to economic growth, and international organizations have suggested their shortage in developed countries. Using a standard increasing variety growth model, we propose various measures of human capital composition that are related with economic growth and development. When compared to data, the model does well in explaining the rate of growth and the level of development as a function of these measures. “the British colonies had a better educated population (...). Education was secular with emphasis on pragmatic skills and yankee ingenuity (...). The 13 British colonies had nine universities in 1776 for 2.5 million people. New Spain, with 5 million, had only two universities (...) which concentrated on theology and law.” –(Maddison, 2001)
Keywords:Human capital composition  Growth  Development  R&  D
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