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作者单位:华东冶金学院化学工程系 安徽
摘    要:化工原理是化工专业一门重要的专业基础课,但目前的教材内容仍停留在本学科80年代初的水平上,在教学上也注重对“过程”的讲授,且就事论事多,缺少剖析,忽略对“设备”结构与功能的分析,过于强调不同单元操作的个性,而忽略共性。化工原理是以流体流动为核心的,要从理论与实验两方面阐述流体层流的内在规律和数学模型;从方法论的角度提出问题,重点讲授解决问题的思路;要将课堂数学、实习、实验、设计有机结合起来,认识单元操作与生产过程有机结合的理论基础与实际意义;运用多媒体软件,让学生了解“过程与设备”的关系等。

关 键 词:化工原理  研究方法  教学改革

Ponderations on Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering
Authors:JIN Ming-Iin
Abstract:The course Unit Operation of Chemical. Engineering is an important basic course in chemical engineering department. The key point of the course Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering reform is not only that we should regard it as a course,but that we should think of practice , experiment, teaching and the course design as a whole. The process analysis should be the leading point in teaching and CAI should be the main part in analyzing the structure and function of the equipment and the course design. The course is supposed to satisfy the needs of fostering the qualified personnel with creative minds.
Keywords:Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering  research method  teaching reform
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