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Incorporating rigidity and commitment in the timing structure of macroeconomic games
Authors:Jan Libich,Petr Stehlí  k
Affiliation:1. La Trobe University, Dep. of Economics and Finance, Australia;2. CAMA, ANU, Australia;3. University of West Bohemia, Department of Mathematics, Univerzitní 22, Plzeň, 30614, Czech Republic
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel framework that generalizes the timing structure of games. Building on alternating move games and models of rational inattention, the players' actions may be rigid, i.e., infrequent. This rigidity in the timing of moves makes the game more dynamic and asynchronous, acting as a commitment mechanism. Therefore, it can enhance cooperation and often eliminate inefficient equilibrium outcomes present in the static (normal form) game. Interestingly, (i) this can happen even in a finite game (possibly as short as two periods) and (ii) without reputation building. Furthermore, (iii) the required degree of commitment may be under some circumstances arbitrarily low and under others infinitely high. Our main example comes from macroeconomics in which various rigidities have played a central role. Investigating the Kydland–Prescott–Barro–Gordon monetary policy game, we derive the necessary and sufficient degree of long-term policy commitment to low inflation under which the influential time-inconsistency problem is eliminated.
Keywords:C70   C72   E42   E61
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