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摘    要:通过参考相关的研究文献,建立评价指标体系,利用主成分分析法测度伊春林业资源型城市可持续发展能力,分别从经济、社会、环境和生态4个方面提出提升可持续发展能力的措施。结果表明:伊春市整体可持续发展能力是不断上升的,其中经济支持系统上升较稳定,社会支持、环境支持和生态供给系统较波动,且木质产业、科技与收入、污染治理、水资源对可持续发展能力的影响较大。因此,要向非木质产业转型,提高科学技术水平,节能减排,合理利用水资源等,从而进一步推进林业资源型城市的可持续发展能力的建设。

关 键 词:林业资源型城市  可持续发展能力  主成分分析法

Measure the Ability of Sustainable Development of Yichun Forestry Resources Type City
Affiliation:,College of Economics and Management,Northeast Forestry University
Abstract:The paper by reference to relevant research literature,the establishment of evaluation index system,the sustainable development ability analysis method to measure the forestry resources in Yichun city using principal components,are proposed to enhance the capacity of sustainable development measures from four aspects of economy,society,environment and life. The results show that:the overall capacity for sustainable development of Yichun city is on the rise,the rise of economic support system is stable,society,environment and life support system and the influence of fluctuation,wood industry,science and technology and the income,pollution control,water resource sustainable development capacity of the larger. Therefore,the transition to non wood industry,improve the level of science and technology,energy saving and emission reduction,rational use of water resources,so as to further promote the construction of the ability of sustainable development of forestry resourcebased cities.
Keywords:urban forestry resources  sustainable development  principal component analysis
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