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引用本文:韩海燕. 果蔬皮的奇妙人生[J]. 走向世界, 2012, 0(20): 76-77
摘    要:夏日清浅的风携着温暖的阳,抬头远远望去,天地之间一片阳光灿烂,空气中散发着夏日的清香,弥漫着夏季的恋歌。晶莹剔透的葡萄、颜色翠绿的西瓜、汁多甜美的橘子、芳香味美的草莓、清爽酸甜的苹果、黄澄美味的菠萝、蛋黄乳白的香蕉,营养丰富的番茄等等……七月的青岛,姹紫嫣红,如此多娇。正是橙红瓜熟时,各种美味的果蔬让青岛的夏日显得格外有韵味。

关 键 词:果蔬  人生  青岛  香味  美味

The Amazing Life of Fruit and Vegetable Peels
Abstract:Nobody knows when eating with the peel is more nutritiousbecame an essential guiding principle foreating fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables like grapes, watermelons, apples, bananas, cucumbers and eggplants have fresh and deliciouspulp.Moreover,their peels have marvelous functions. However, save for the fruits such as kumquat, which takes peel as its selling point, few fruit peels can make our tongue feel comfortable. Nevertheless, the peels are of great significance for the fruits. First of all, they can prevent moisture loss. Then,theycan prevent invasion from animals and microbes. Therefore, the fruit pulp must closely rely on the thin cells of the peel. At the same time, a layer of fruit wax is pasted on the peel to prevent the moisture loss. So despite the fact that the taste of the peel is not good, it has amazing functions.
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