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Direct causal mechanisms of profit: dominant paradigm of profit seeking
Authors:In-Ho Stephen Kim
Affiliation:Division of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, Hanyang University ERICA Campus, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Abstract:This paper develops the direct causal mechanisms of profit (DCMP) to meet the conditions/requirements normatively drawn from the conceptual, logical and methodological dimensions of profit seeking, direct causal mechanisms, holistic and non-egalitarian approach, and deductive inference, which holds the proximate causal mechanism between technological change and needs evolution at the macro-foundations, and the ultimate causal mechanism between needs-focused innovation and explicit needs at the micro-foundations. From DCMP it derives propositions about matching goodness of the proximate causal mechanism and adaptive goodness of the ultimate causal mechanism, verifies them with the experiences of the winners/losers, and finally concludes that DCMP can work as the dominant paradigm of profit seeking, the determinants of firm/business success, and a powerful theoretical and practical foundation/framework for business model design and innovation, asserting that DCMP explains profit as outcome/effect in a more robust/comprehensive/persuasive manner than the existing paradigms because DCMP always guarantees the genuine causality.
Keywords:Dominant paradigm of profit seeking  ultimate causal mechanism and proximate causal mechanism  matching goodness and adaptive goodness  deductive inference
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