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引用本文:高强,王芋萱. 我国渔港研究现状综述[J]. 中国渔业经济, 2010, 0(1): 155-160
作者姓名:高强  王芋萱
摘    要:渔港是渔民生产生活的重要场所,是渔船避风停泊的重要基地,在渔业生产管理、"平安渔业"建设、渔业水域环境保护以及渔区经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。一直以来,学者们关于渔港建设等方面的探讨研究从未间断过,这些研究成果对于推进各地渔港建设和管理步伐,充分发挥渔港对渔区经济社会发展的辐射带动作用,促进渔业可持续健康发展有着不可忽视的作用。本文按时间分段对中国渔港研究现状进行了一次学术性梳理,指出我国渔港在20世纪70~80年代起步阶段、90年代发展阶段和21世纪以来的繁荣阶段的不同特点,以期对今后的渔港研究以及渔港建设起到一定的借鉴和促进意义。

关 键 词:渔港  研究现状  综述

Summary on research of fishing port in China
GAO Qiang,WANG Ning-xuan. Summary on research of fishing port in China[J]. Chinese Fisheries Economics, 2010, 0(1): 155-160
Authors:GAO Qiang  WANG Ning-xuan
Abstract:Fishing port is an important place for fishermen's life and their production, also an important base for fishing boat to be protected from winds and to be anchored. It plays a crucial role in management of fishery production, construction of "safety fishery", protection of fishery environment, as well as economic and social development in fishing area. In the past years, the studies on fishing port have become very popular, which played an important role in promoting the construction and management of fishing port in China, fully utilizing the radiating and exemplifying power of fishing port to the economic and social development in fishing area, promoting a healthy and sustainable development of fishery in China. This paper has technically summarized the current situation of researches on fishing port, which is useful and meaningful to the research and construction of fishing port in future.
Keywords:fishing port  research status  summary
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