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Barbados Spirits Inc.
Authors:Douglas K. S. Kalesnikoff
Affiliation:Edwards School of BusinessUniversity of Saskatchewan
Abstract:This case focuses on the audit of a subsidiary in Barbados of a Multi‐National Entity (“MNE”), a distiller in Toronto. The MNE is a large and important international client to the accounting firm. The firm provides both tax advisory and audit services to the MNE. The MNE, following advice of the accounting firm, has utilized an offshore related party to structure transactions that avoid taxes in Barbados. These related party transactions are a detriment to the interests of critical users of the financial statements, namely the minority shareholders and the tax authorities of Barbados. The auditor is now faced with evaluating the adequacy of the related party note disclosure and the completeness of the income tax provision. Independence issues of a self‐interest threat (importance of the client) and self‐review threat (evaluating the adequacy of the income tax provision based on tax advice provided by the firm) are explored.
Keywords:Tax avoidance  Auditing  independence  Related party transactions  é  vitement fiscal  audit  indé  pendance  opé  rations entre parties lié  es
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