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中国两大乳企互掐 谁比谁更痛?
引用本文:舒静,王姗姗,徐昙.中国两大乳企互掐 谁比谁更痛?[J].中国市场,2010(47):30-31.
作者姓名:舒静  王姗姗  徐昙
摘    要:<正>荧屏上,一部钩心斗角、明争暗斗的谍战大戏《黎明之前》正在上演。现实中,一部相互攻讦、血雨腥风的商战片也热闹开演,众多明星企业纷纷上阵,拉开你死我活、穷追猛打的架势。而场面越是喧闹混乱,就越是说明,中国企业真正成熟壮大的黎明

关 键 词:中国企业  明星企业  商战

Chinese Dairy Wars
Abstract:The Chinese consumers are ready to believe the worst when it comes to dairy products.In the highly publicized dairy scandal recently,Yili is accused of adding fi sh oil DHA into its QQ Star Children Milk,which turns out to be a rumor plotted by Mengniu.And that's merely one of the dirty tricks concerning the two competitors.It may be diff icult for consumers to know the inside story,but one thing is clear:the market,which is supposed to be free and orderly,has become an arena of cut-throat competitions.Enterprises,including industry giants,are seeking to win the market competition in def iance of base line in morality and law.Actually,there could be no winner under such ruleless business ethics,for it is by promoting the quality of enterprises and entrepreneurs as well as remolding business ethics and morality that the commercial society makes progress.
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