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作者单位:浙江财经大学工商管理学院,浙江 杭州,310018
摘    要:在新型城镇化和工业化的背景下,大量农村劳动力持续外流而放弃粮食生产转向收益较高的非粮产业。近年来,由于高度重视粮食生产和加大强农惠农支持力度,全国粮食产量实现“十二连增”,库存也随之攀升。但主销区粮食产需缺口逐年扩大,进口粮增加并创历史新高。本文认为粮食主销区需明确自给底线、增强调入能力,调整产出结构,保护粮食生产能力,实现粮食能力安全。

关 键 词:主销区  农村劳动力外流  粮食自给底线

Urbanization,Food Self-supply and Capability Security in Main Food Sales Areas
Abstract:With urbanization and industrialization, there is a huge outflow of rural labors into the cities. Rural labors turn to non-food production industries, which bring them higher profits. In recent years, greater attention has been paid to food pro-duction and more support has been offered to benefiting-farmers policies. As a result, there has been a“twelve-year increase”in the food output and the food stock has also increased. However, there has been an increasing gap between food production and demand in main food sales areas. The amount of imported food has increased to an all-time high. This paper argues that the main food areas should be aware of the base line of food self-supply, strengthen food-transfer ability, adjust output struc-ture, protect the food production ability, thus realizing the goal of food capacity security.
Keywords:main food sales areas  rural labor outflow  food self-supply
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