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摘    要:作为起源于英国的一种诉讼制度,股东派生诉讼在解决公司股东与管理者之间以及公司控股股东与中小股东之间的利益冲突,完善现代公司的治理结构,保护少数股东或小股东的合法权益等方面发挥着重耍作用,故而被众多国家所引入和借鉴。文章在分析新公司法有关股东派生诉讼的相关规定的基础上.就派生诉讼制度所涉及的当事人、前置程序、诉讼费用担保、司法审查及既判力等方面所涉及的问题展开论述.以期就健全与完善中国的股东派生诉讼提供有益的借鉴。

关 键 词:股东派生诉讼  中国  公司法  引入  适用

On the Introduction and Application of the Derivative Action of Shareholders to the Chinese Corporation Law
Authors:LI Mei
Abstract:Originating from United Kingdom, the shareholder's derivative action system functions greatly in various aspects, such as resolving the interest's conflicts between the controlling shareholders and minority shareholders, perfecting the corporate governance and protecting the rights of the minority shareholders. This article gives a brief introduction in the concept and history of the shareholder's derivative action. Based on the analysis of the current stipulations over the shareholder's derivative action system under the new Company Law, the paper lay out the key issues during the transplantation of the shareholder's derivative action in China, which include the role of the parties in the action, the pre-procedure before action, the security for expenses, the judicial review and the effect of the judgment. The paper proposes several personal suggestions in order to give beneficial reference for the perfection of this system in China.
Keywords:Shareholder's derivative action  China  Company Law  Introduction  Application
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