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摘    要:过年,是人们一年一度亲人必须的团聚,也是一乡一村文化的传承。既是亲情的延续,亦是对故乡的朝拜,在漫长的农耕时代,我们的先人逐渐形成了一系列过年活动,如:闹春、祭祖等,期盼来年风调雨顺、五谷丰登。今年潮汕揭阳孢台镇头村过年的头等大事就是祭拜天后宫。平日里,广东潮汕的这个小村落,民风朴实,人们日出而作,日落而息,男耕女织,过着特别令人羡慕的悠闲生活。

关 键 词:过年  天后宫  潮汕  先人  村落

The Spring Festival in Chaoshan
Abstract:The Spring Festival is a once-a-year time for people to enjoy family union, and also is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture inherited by generations. Worship of Mazu is a tradition in the Chaoshan region, implying people's sentimental attachment to their hometown. In the morning of January 10 on the lunar calendar, all of the villagers from the Paotai Town, Chaoshan gathered together to celebrate the nine-year-once Mazu's birthday. It is not a family union, but a collective union for all of the villagers.
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