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引用本文:谢淑娟. 基于低碳经济视角下的广东农业发展方式转型分析[J]. 林业经济, 2012, 0(6): 68-73
摘    要:估算了广东2000~2009年农业碳排放总量,分析了广东农业生产碳排放的主要特征,进而对广东农业碳排放影响因素进行分解研究。结果表明,广东农业的碳排放总量总体呈不断上升的趋势;农业产值增长、农业化学化水平的提高、农业投入产出率平稳及农业能源消费结构的高碳化等是农业生产碳排放变动的主要影响因素。在此基础上,进一步剖析了广东农业低碳发展面临的主要障碍,提出广东农业生产实现低碳化转型发展的主要路径选择。

关 键 词:农业碳排放  低碳发展  转型  广东

Research on the Transformation of Agricultural Production Mode from the Perspective of A Low-carbon Economy
Xie Shujuan. Research on the Transformation of Agricultural Production Mode from the Perspective of A Low-carbon Economy[J]. Forestry Economics, 2012, 0(6): 68-73
Authors:Xie Shujuan
Affiliation:Xie Shujuan 1,2,3(1 Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510640;2 Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences,Guangzhou Guangdong 510610;3 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049)
Abstract:In the context of global warming,can not ignore environmental problems caused by carbon emissions from Agricultural production.Modern Agriculture is High-carbon agriculture in Guangdong.The paper,based on the perspective of a low-carbon economy,calculates the agricultural carbon emissions load from 2000 to 2009 in Guangdong.we find that the agricultural carbon emissions load is in the gradual upward trend with the rapid growth of fertilizer and pesticides use,etc since 2000.and then this study elaborated Influencing factors of agricultur al carbon emissions,The results show that the main factors of Changes in carbon emissions from agricultural pro ductions include agricultural output growth,a higher level of agricultural chemicals,the stability of agricultural in put-output rate and high energy consumption structure.On this basis,the paper further analyzes the major obsta cles to the development of low-carbon agriculture in Guangdong,and make relevant measures to Low-carbon ag ricultural development.
Keywords:agricultural carbon emissions  low-carbon development  transformation analysis  Guangdong
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