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引用本文:袁青川,彭鹏. 中国南北方央企干部晋升机制的比较研究[J]. 商业经济与管理, 2022, 42(6): 40-50. DOI: 10.14134/j.cnki.cn33-1336/f.2022.06.004
作者姓名:袁青川  彭鹏
作者单位:1. 河北大学 经济学院
2. 中国人民大学 劳动人事学院
摘    要:文章依据委托代理理论、晋升锦标赛理论和非生产性寻租理论,基于2015-2020年间任职央企中层正职管理人员数据,采用线性Oaxaca-Blinder分解方法,对中国南北方央企中层后备干部晋升速度的影响因素及其差异进行研究。研究发现:相较于北方央企,绩效和社会资本更能显著提高南方央企中层后备干部的晋升速度;南方央企相对更注重干部队伍年轻化建设;当央企干部晋升到中层时,学历对南方央企后备干部晋升速度并无显著影响,对北方央企后备干部晋升速度有显著减缓作用;南北方央企中晋升机制不同导致中层后备干部的晋升速度存在显著性差异。研究结果解释了南北方央企中层后备干部晋升的差别性影响机理,丰富了关于央企干部晋升速度影响因素方面的相关文献,为建立公平晋升竞赛机制、解决央企内部委托代理和逆向选择问题提供了理论依据。

关 键 词:晋升机制  晋升速度  区域差异  Oaxaca-Blinder分解  

A Comparative Study of the Promotion Mechanism of Cadres in Central Enterprises in the North and South of China
YUAN Qingchuan,PENG Peng. A Comparative Study of the Promotion Mechanism of Cadres in Central Enterprises in the North and South of China[J]. Business Economics and Administration, 2022, 42(6): 40-50. DOI: 10.14134/j.cnki.cn33-1336/f.2022.06.004
Authors:YUAN Qingchuan  PENG Peng
Affiliation:1.School of Economics, Hebei University
2.School of Labor Relations and Human Resource, Renmin University
Abstract:According to the principal-agent theory, promotion tournament theory and non-productive rent-seeking theory, based on the data of middle-level managers in central enterprises from 2015 to 2020, the author uses the linear Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method to study the factors and differences in the promotion speed of middle-level managers in central enterprises in the North and South of China. The study shows that performance and social capital can significantly improve the promotion speed of middle-level reserve cadres in southern central enterprises compared with northern central enterprises. Southern central enterprises pay more attention to the construction of younger cadres. When a cadre is promoted to the middle level, diplomas have no significant effect on the promotion of reserve cadres in southern central enterprises, and in northern central enterprises, the speed of promotion of mid- dle-level reserve cadres is slowed by the acquisition of diplomas. There are significant differences in the promotion speed of reserve cadres due to different promotion mechanisms in central enterprises in the north and south. The research results of this paper explain the differential influence mechanism of the promotion of reserve cadres in central enterprises in the south and north, enrich the relevant literature on the factors affecting the promotion speed of cadres in central enterprises, and provide theories for establishing a fair promotion competition mechanism and solving the problems of internal agency and adverse selection of central enterprises.
Keywords:promotion mechanisms  promotion speed  regional differences  Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition  
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