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Extrapolating experimental-auction results using a stated choice survey
Authors:Alfnes, Frode   Rickertsen, Kyrre
Affiliation:Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway
Abstract:During the last decade, experimental auctions and stated choice(SC) surveys have been widely used to study food demand. Thesemethods have complementary strengths and weaknesses. Experimentalauctions are limited by the availability of products and theuse of locally recruited participants, whereas SC surveys lackreal economic incentives. We use an SC survey to extrapolatethe results of an experimental auction to hypothetical productswith non-existing attribute combinations and to a representativesample of Norwegian consumers. The method is illustrated usingNorwegian consumers' preferences for country-of-origin and hormonestatus for beef.
Keywords:beef   benefit transfer   experimental auctions   hypothetical bias   stated choice   willingness to pay
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