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An International Comparison of Leontief Input-Output Coefficients and its Application to Structural Growth Patterns
Authors:Shuntaro Shishido  Makoto Nobukuni  Kazumi Kawamura  Takahiro Akita  Shunichi Furukawa
Abstract:Empirical sectoral analyses of a standard development pattern have focused upon changes in the value added, disregarding the structural changes in intermediate input. In a more comprehensive approach to the production function, the present paper analyses both sectoral intermediate inputs and the value added by using 45 input-output tables to discover a standard pattern of the changes in the input-output coefficients as an economy develops. The major findings are first a U-shape pattern of the average value added ratio and, conversely, an inverse U-shape pattern of the average intermediate input ratio. Secondly, as compared with principal input coefficients that are broadly stable, supplementary input coefficients exhibit the non-linear trends of an inverse U shape contributed by a rising trend in agriculture in the early stages, and a growing energy cost in most sectors, although this is partly offset by mild U shapes of transport and distribution costs. A similar inverse U-shape pattern is implied for the Leontief multiplier.
Keywords:Leontief Multiplier  Primary Input  Principal Input  Supporting Input  Standard Pattern Of Development
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