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青岛国际帆船周 “最青岛”的夏日盛宴
摘    要:她是赛事的嘉年华,用激情的比赛给观众带来海上视觉盛宴;她是国际的平台,引领着世界帆船界的高端对话;她是文化的交流,用创意十足的视角反映着"帆船之都"的深意和内涵;她是狂欢的节日,一场集娱乐、休闲、美食、演出为一体的盛夏派对。她,年轻,却极具影响力,知名度直追青岛国际啤酒节;她,激情,更有着不容小觑的商业价值。她,就是青岛的国际帆船周——"最青岛"的夏日盛宴。为了传承奥帆文化遗产,在成功举办了2008奥帆赛之后,青岛开始打造国际帆船周,首届青岛国际帆船周于2009年举办,自此每年一届。可以说,承载着打造"帆船之都"城市品牌光荣与梦想的青岛国际帆船周,是青岛继2008年奥帆赛后着力打造和精心培育的节庆品牌,帆船产业也因此得到拓展和提升。

关 键 词:帆船运动  青岛市  青岛国际啤酒节  奥帆赛  运动员  青少年  城市品牌  文化遗产  商业价值  对话

Qingdao International Sailing Week,a Summer Feast of Qingdao
Abstract:With a view to carrying forward the Olympic spirit and continuing to build up the city brand of "Sailing City," since 2009,from the Saturday of the third week in August to September every year,Qingdao has regularly hosted the Qingdao International Sailing Week,which takes the communication of Olympic sailing culture and international sailing events as the core to establish a platform of communication of international sailing culture.Thus far,Qingdao has launched more than 40 activities covering seven aspects such as popularizing sailing,sailing industry,the adolescent sailing camp and sports Qingdao.The international sailing culture communication and international sailing events,such as the first Olympic Sailing City Mayors Trophy & International Sailing Summit Forum,a series of activities featuring international sailing celebrities,and excellent global sailing culture products have attracted several hundreds of distinguished guests and several thousands of sailors from more than 20 countries and regions to gather in Qingdao.The president and vice president of the ISAF and president of the International Association for Disabled Sailing were present at the Summit Forum,which was acclaimed by President Count Jacques Rogge of the International Olympic Committee as a landmark in the international sailing sport.Qingdao has maintained constant close contacts with the International Olympic Committee,the ISAF and international sailing circles.Qingdao’s efforts made in building up a top-class sailing city in Asia have won extensive attention from the international society.At the award presentation ceremony for the 2011 China’s branded festivals and shows held by Renmin Net,Qingdao International Sailing Week was chosen as one of the 2011 Top 10 Festival and Shows with International influence.As a result,the Qingdao International Sailing Week has become the largest professional sailing festival and famous internationally.
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