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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
The Workless State, edited by Brian Showler and Adrian Sinfield
What Unemployment Means, by Adrian Sinfield
Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century, by Richard Edwards
British Labour History, 1815–1914, by E. H. Hunt
Skill and rhe English Working Class, 1870–1914, by Charles More.
Little Moscows: Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, by Stuart Macintyre
The Microelectronics Revolution, edited by Tom Forester
The Impact of Micro-electronics, by J. Rada
Microelectronics and Socicry. edited by Trevor Jones
Microelectronics. Capitalist Technology and the Working Class
Microelectronics and the Engineering Indurtry, edited by N. Swords-Isherwood and P. Senker.
Work, Mobility and Purticiparion: A Comparative Study of American and Japanese Industry, by Robert E. Cole
Human Resources in Japanese Industrial Development, by Solomon B. Levine and Hisashi Kawada
Industrial Dernocrucy in Europe by Industrial Democracy in Europe
Labor Relations in Advanced industrial Societies: issues and Problem, edited by Benjamin Martin and Everett M. Kassalow
The Mearunmenl of Unemployment; Methods and Sources in Great Britain 1850–1979, by W. R. Garside
Work Design, by J. Richard Hackman and Greg. R. Oldham.
Control and Ideology in Organbations, edited by Graeme Salaman and Kenneth Thompson
The Politics of Work and Occupations, edited by Geoff Esland and Graeme Salaman. The open
Work and People: an Economic Evaluation oflob Enrichment, by Henri Savall
Changes in Working Life, edited by K. D. Duncan, M. M. Gruneberg and D. Wallis
Women Returning ro Work; Policies and Progress in Five Countries, edited by Alice M. Yohalem.
Strikes in the United States 1881–1974, by P. K. Edwards
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