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Authors:Geoffrey Dicks
Abstract:Unless the international debt situation or the crisis in the US domestic financial system worsens or there is a further lurch into protectionism, we expect world output to advance more rapidly over the next 2 months than it has over the last year. We argued in May that the world recovery was pausing, just as it did in 1977, and that conditions were falling into place for a pick-up in output. The requirements were seen as a lower dollar, to improve US competitiveness and to alleviate protectionist pressures, and stronger domestic demand elsewhere, to offset the resulting loss of US markets. Since then the case for a lower dollar has been recognised by the Group of Five Finance Ministers, interest rates have fallen and, at the G5 meeting, West Germany and Japan tentatively revealed a further modest stimulus. Output optimism is underpinned by the fall in world inflation to levels not seen since the early 1970s which, our forecast suggests, will be consolidated over the next 12 months. This reflects falling real oil and non-oil Commodity prices and decelerating earnings, which makes a further tightening of policy unlikely. In these circumstances the prospects for output are improving and over the next 12 months we forecast an increase in OECD output of 4per cent.
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