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引用本文:王冠. 专利犯罪立法比较研究[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2007, 24(12): 11-15
摘    要:综观世界各国对专利犯罪的有关规定,关于立法模式,可分为附属刑法规定型和刑法典规定型两种类型;关于专利犯罪罪名设置,可分为立法侧重保护公共法益与国家法益、立法侧重保护个人法益、立法对两种保护并重3种基本类型;关于专利犯罪刑罚,各国立法皆重视罚金刑的运用,另有一些国家对专利犯罪规定适用资格刑;关于专利犯罪追诉方式,多数国家都实行自诉制度。我国应借鉴其它国家有关规定完善我国专利犯罪立法,立法模式应采取附属刑法规定和刑法典规定相结合;情节恶劣、危害严重的冒充专利行为和专利侵权行为应构成犯罪;扩大罚金刑的适用,适用资格刑;应在刑法或刑事诉讼法中将专利犯罪明文规定为告诉才处理之罪。

关 键 词:专利犯罪  立法模式  罪名设置  刑罚  追诉方式

Comparative Study of Legislation Against Patent Crimes
Abstract:In the paper, the author makes a comparative study of legislation against patent crimes. On the law-making code of patent crimes, the concerned provisions are stipulated either in the patent law or in the criminal law. On the criminal charges system of patent crimes, the countries legislate either for more public interests, or for more individual interests, or for both of them. On the penalty for patent crimes, all the countries emphasize the application of fine, and some countries apply disqualification to patent crime. On the procedure for patent crimes, most countries adopt the private prosecution system. China should learn from other countries and perfect the provisions on patent crimes. The provisions on patent crimes should be stipulated both in the patent law and in the criminal law. The severe behaviors of patent infringement and patent imitation should be considered as crimes. Fine should be applied more frequently, and disqualification should be applied to patent crimes. Patent crimes should be stipulated in the criminal law or in the procedural law as crimes handled only after private prosecution.
Keywords:patent crimes   law-making code    criminal charges system   penalty    procedure    perfection
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