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引用本文:魏浩浩. 脸谱Facebook:开启下一个传奇时代[J]. 走向世界, 2012, 0(17): 48-49
摘    要:常看《康熙来了》的人应该经常听到主持人小S提”脸书”,但有人觉得,对于Facebook这一词汇的翻译,貌似”非试不可”显得更为传神。曾在北美连续夺得票房冠军的电影《社交网络》,令观众领教了导演大卫·芬奇的深厚功底,也让人记住了其完整的故事内容,千万不要以为那个估值过百亿美元的社交网站脸谱(Facebook)是虚构的。

关 键 词:Facebook  脸谱  传奇  社交网络  故事内容  社交网站  主持人  美元

Opening the Next Legendary Era
Abstract:Facebook as the largest social communication website worldwide undoubtedly is model for successful enterprises.Its success stems from opening a new epoch for the social communication websites as well as the legendary of 28- year-old Mark Zuckerberg,who Is founder and CEO of Facebook When he was 19 years old.Mark Zuckerberg wrote the website programs with two of his roommates in a week and established a website named Facebook.which aimed to provide social communication platforms for the students in Harvard.Once the website went online, it instantly became popular in the Harvard campus At the end of 2004,more than one million people had registered at Facebook. Recently.Facebook has gone public at NASDAQ,which,meant Facebook became a focus once again.The second after Facebook went public.Mark Zuckerberg got married.The legend of Facebook is continuing Mark Zuckerberg who has concurrently earned fortune,sociatpostion and family is also continuing h s legeng
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