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American Health Care for All
Authors:David G. Green
Affiliation:David Green is a Research Fellow at the IEA, and was recently a postilwtotal Reyarch Fellow at the Ausnahan Nattonal Umwrsq H e served a s a Labour CounaUor, 1974–1981, on Newcastle upon TyneCnyCouncd He has written for many animals, and is the author of IbuKl and Poy VI an Enghsh Ctty and Mutual Ad or Were soocha (1984) and Working-Clas Patmer and cartrel Establishment
Abstract:Proponents of government provision of health care often refer to America as if the uninsured there were left to bieed to death in the streets. David Green, Research Fellow of the IEA, confutes this garish propaganda with the evidence of health core for all.
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